Different proposals to do during your trip to La Tahona Vieja
Depending on the season you can perform many activities in the area:
Hiking trails
- Además hay rutas de senderismo y caminos de varias dificultades (desde agradables paseos hasta rutas de montaña de decenas de kilómetros). Aquí os pasamos algunos enlaces de rutas señalizadas para que os la podáis programar:
- There are hiking trails and paths of various difficulties ( from pleasant strolls to mountain trails tens of kilometers ) . Here we give you some links to marked routes:
Trails in El Barraco and Iruelas Valley:
What can I visit?
Sobre el entorno y otras cosas qué hacer o visitar te hago un resumen de lo más relevante:
A summary about the environment and other things to do or visit:
- Museum of Nature (in El Barraco) (http://www.elbarraco.org/
- Visit Ávila, World Heritage City to 15 minutes. Recommended visit to the parapet of the wall.
- Visit the Nature Reserve. Iruelas Valley and reservoir Burguillo (hiking or for a ride with the car).
Active tourism company in the reservoir of El Burguillo
They manage activities such as canoeing, multisport park or paintball.
Horse riding
They teach courses organized riding and horse riding from the nearby town of Navaluenga.
Web http://aytonavaluenga.es/